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Thursday, May 2nd, 2024: Pluto changes you and the group. Aries, your friend is likely to make waves in your life now, and a lot of questions, plans and mini adventures will result. If you have been feeling bored or lonely, this cycle can fix it. A little bit of work on your part can trigger a new social life, if you want it – or a new angle on the old one. Pluto is about empowerment through friendship and the group.

Something Else for Thursday:

Planet Symbols iStock 300x225 - AriesHave some time for more perspective?

If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart and what that means.


What it means to be Aries

21 March – 20 April

You shine when you push forward and lead the way for others, competing to be first in the game of life. When you are upfront and unafraid, fighting the good fight, or pioneering unknown territory, you are at your brilliant best. Coming first and being first are reflected in the First House, which Aries rules. The downside of Aries is self-interest, aggression and selfishness. Narcissism is a sure sign that you have gone too far but it’s easily fixed.

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Your Week

Aries – You have a commitment to make or accept to better health, wellbeing and fitness. Juno is in Virgo in your zone of lifestyle. She is an ancient goddess of promises and pledges. This may be swimming; it may be drinking more water. Perhaps it’s healing or therapy. Read your full Aries Weekly Horoscope for April 29-May 5, 2024.

Your Month

You have been enduring March and April when nothing worked as usual in your life with foreign places and people. Leo, instead you were caught in an endless time warp, when the situations around you were on repeat, and nothing you did to be proactive really worked. Read your full Aries Monthly Horoscope for May.
Your Year 2024

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